#48 Garbage collection and memory management in Python
Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken - Luni
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Brian #1: The Python Graph Gallery
- “cool graphs” x “head explodes with options”
Michael #2: pynesis
- High level python library for using kinesis streams
What are Kinesis streams? AWS Kinesis streams
- Enables you to build custom applications that process or analyze streaming data for specialized needs.
- Continuously capture and store terabytes of data per hour from hundreds of thousands of sources such as website clickstreams, financial transactions, social media feeds, IT logs, and location-tracking events.
High level kinesis client. Support python 2.7 and 3.6, and has helpers for using it within Django.
- Some features:
- Supports python 2 & 3
- Django helpers included
- Automatically detects shard count changes
- Checkpoints/sequences persistence can be customized
- Provided Checkpointer implementations for memory, django model and redis
- Provided Dummy kinesis implementation for development/testing
Brian #3: Things you need to know about garbage collection in Python
Michael #4: WSGI Is Not Enough Anymore, part 1 and part 2
- Explores the factors that make WSGI a less attractive option for developing web applications with Python.
- Most major web frameworks use WSGI (Pyramid, Flask, Django, Bottle, etc.)
- This has been a major benefit / breakthrough
- The Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is a specification which was first developed in 2003, and then revised in 2010, in order to create a standard for Python web frameworks to interact with web servers.
- The bad news is that WSGI comes with two major drawbacks:
- WSGI compatible servers are synchronous
- WSGI compatible servers only supports the HTTP protocol
- Problem 1: Concurrency
- By design, a WSGI server is synchronous. This means it blocks each request until a response arrives from the application.
- Scaling is done necessarily via threads (with GIL limitations), web gardens (multiple processes per server), and web farms (multiple servers)
- Problem 2: HTTP is the only protocol
- HTML5 introduced, among other things, web sockets, which create a bi-directional communication layer between servers and clients.
- But they are not supported, so polling (yuck) is the only option
- Python frameworks which rely on WSGI do not implement web socket communication and must rely on 3rd party solutions and extra components and resources.
- Part 2 discusses solutions via event driven programming
- Part 3 (pending) talks about libraries for solving the concurrent problem in Python
Brian #5: Queues in Python
- Dan Bader
- I was in search of a LIFO queue and ran across this article by Dan.
- For LIFO:
### collections.deque as LIFO queue
q = collections.deque()
# insert elements
for item in q:
### queue.LifoQueue
q = queue.LifoQueue()
# insert elements
while not q.empty():
item = q.get()
### list as LIFO queue
q = []
# insert elements
for item in q[::-1]:
Michael #6: Using Reflection: A Podcast About Humans Engineering
- by Mark Weiss
- Check out Jesse Davis’s episode for a starter.
- Engineering journey, what they value about engineering and skills they have come to recognize in themselves.
- Dig into what makes teams successful, and how we help them succeed.
Our news
- Michael: Free MongoDB course has had over 5,000 signups in the first few days. Check it out http://freemongodbcourse.com