#82 Let's make a clear Python 3 statement
Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken - Luni
DigitalOcean: pythonbytes.fm/digitalocean
* GitHub coverage coming at the end! *
Brian #1: Building and Documenting Python REST APIs With Flask and Connexion
- Doug Farrell, @writeson, on the RealPython site.
- Tutorial with example.
Michael #2: MyPy + PyCharm
- Written by Ivan Levkivskyi
- via Guido van Rossum
- Ricky Teachey asks: “What advantages does using mypy bring to pycharm vs just using pycharm's native type checking- which is already pretty good?”
- Response:
- mypy is a bit more stricter/precise
- it is more configurable, lots of options regulating type system "rules"
- it typechecks the whole program, so that you immediately see errors your change causes in _other_ files
- people run mypy in CI and want to see the result before push
Brian #3: Automatic code/doc conversion
- pyupgrade
- “A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language.”
- Can even convert to f-strings with
- docs
- “Run
on python code blocks in documentation files.” - blacken-docs provides a single executable (blacken-docs) which will modify .rst / .md files in place.
- “Run
Michael #4: python3statement
- via Bruno Alla
- Matthias Bussonnier (Talk Python, episode 44)
- “We now have 44 projects that pledged to drop #python2 in less than 30 months. Some already did ! To see which one, and how to migrate with as few disruption as possible for both Python 2 and 3 users head to http://python3statement.org/ ”
- Supporting legacy Python: **it is a small but constant friction in the development of a lot of code.
- We are keen to use Python 3 to its full potential, and we currently accept the cost of writing cross-compatible code to allow a smooth transition, but we don’t intend to maintain this compatibility indefinitely.
- Nice “Why switch to Python 3?” section and resources
- Nice list of participating projects
- Can we get some that are not data science? :)
Microsoft buys GitHub:
- Everyone complaining about Microsoft buying GitHub needs to offer a better solution
- Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion
- Linux Foundation: Microsoft's GitHub buy is a win for open source
- Coverage on Exponent podcast: 154 — Legacy Leverage
- Nat Friedman, future CEO of GitHub, AMA
- Re gitlab:
Our news and extras:
- PyLadies Cleveland just launched:
- First meeting June 26
- (FB Profile) https://www.facebook.com/cleveland.pyladies.3
- (FB Community Page) https://www.facebook.com/clepyladies/
- (Twitter) https://twitter.com/CLEPyladies
- (Meetup) https://www.meetup.com/CLE-PyLadies/
- (YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrX6AAcxXO_-8gitJWdjkuw