SC EP:1097 The Michigan Dogman And Lights In The Woods
Sasquatch Chronicles - A podcast by Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters

Ty writes "Hey Wes I wanted to update you on something… so the first encounter was at my parents house now I’m older and moved out living about 30ish minutes west of them… anyways when we had the first encounter the DNR as I stated we’re searching for a cougar…never found anything. The problem kind of faded and would come back every so often… now that I’m living where I’m at yesterday this would be September 30th DNR is around looking for in their words a “dominant predator” and my mother called me this morning and said that the DNR said the same thing to her… police are patrolling down her road… and she also told me there aren’t any deer or turkeys on her property (they are surrounded by about 6-7 acres of woods 25acers of field and then across that field about 30 acres of woods)… as I’ve stated my dogs are going insane lately and I think it’s around where I live currently our neighbors cat is missing trash in the parking lot is being torn out and it’s not raccoons it’s like bigger pieces of trash… I also live in the woods that surround us for about a mile not sure how many acres that is but it’s pretty thick… and we also haven’t had any deer around the last month or so which is when the DNR would come around but it stopped for about 2 weeks… now they are back with dogs and police and the whole bundle… its just strange." I will also be speaking to Barbie, Barbie writes " I am slowly starting to open up about my experiences with the paranormal (and Sasquatch). The story below takes place in Baskett, KY, which is beside Spottsville, KY in the County of Henderson. The story about The Spottsville Monster that was on your podcast episodes 51 & 56 took place a few miles down the road from my grandparents property. I have been debating for a month now on whether or not to share my story with you and I have decided that it's time for it to be documented or recorded somewhere. I just started listening to your podcast from the beginning."