SC EP:1105 Humanoid Around 7.5 Feet Tall
Sasquatch Chronicles - A podcast by Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters

Ken writes “I listen to your podcast and finally have the courage to talk about this. I’m not an outspoken person about this incident due to people thinking I’m crazy but I figure now is the time to come out about it. My Three other friends who this happened to are still scarred until this day and refuse to speak on it. So here’s what happened at Cuyahoga Valley national park. I was camping with some friends. There was 4 of us going up there to camp / hike and enjoy the outdoors. This happened sometime in July or August of 2019 but I can’t remember exactly what day it happened. Just as we set up camp we had the bright idea to go hiking. This was right about 7-8 pm at night when the park was closed but there was still daylight out. We started hiking near the Cuyahoga river on the towpath trail. We were hiking for a good half or so down this path and all of a sudden we had something throwing sticks that slowly progressed to rocks at us. At first we thought it was teens playing tricks on us but the longer it progressed we started to smell something pungent and our hair stood straight up. By this time the sun had gone completely dark and all we had was our phone lights to guide us. We all started running back to camp as quick as we could but whatever was tracking us was faster bigger and stronger. We eventually got winded then it all stopped. Dead silent the woods were extremely quiet and still and very eerie. Suddenly we heard the loudest growl we ever heard sort of like an angry wolf / bear. A friend of mine who had a firearm on him shined the weapon mounted light into the tree line where we were and we all caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a giant man / humanoid around 7.5 feet tall and as shown as the light shined on it it retreated backwards and never to be seen again. We then gathered our breathe and ran back to the camp as quick as we could and got into our tents. As we slept we heard multiple loud sounds outside our tent and sticks breaking. In the morning when we woke up our camp was destroyed and a pile of rocks was stacked up by the fire pit. We all agreed to never camp there again.”