SC EP:448 It’s face changed like it was mad

Sasquatch Chronicles - A podcast by Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters

A listener writes “I’ve had a pretty interesting encounter back in 2010. It took place in Wyoming and I got a pretty good look at two of them and I’m pretty sure there were others with them but I would love to talk to you about it.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I was out on a mountain bike riding these trails and everyday I felt like I was being watched. We were helping family move and being 11 years old I was not much help so I rode the trails everyday. I stopped by the river next to the trail when this thing stepped out in front of me. I was in shock. I have never seen anything like this before. It was not a bear. He looked at me and than started doing this mouth popping and clicking sound. The sound was not directed at me. I picked up my bike and started turning around to ride off and it’s face changed like it was mad and it started growling at me. That is when the second one stepped out…”

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