SC EP:502 Monkey-Bears at the window
Sasquatch Chronicles - A podcast by Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters
Happy New Year everyone! I have three guests tonight. A summary of their encounters are below. Case writes “I live in South Western Pennsylvania. I have had 2 sightings in my life. One was locally where I live (2014) the other at my camp in Clearfield county in (2013). The first was what made me realize there’s Bigfoot in our state. I was hunting at our camp which is 2 miles from the nearest paved road and we get very little traffic back there even in hunting season. I was still hunting along the spring that flows through the bottom of a valley below our camp. In the bottom is a 100 yard wide by 200 yard pine thicket. It is so thick through there I usually just carry my rifle slung under my shoulder shoulder and just hunt with my pistol (.357 mag) cause shots are under 30 in the thicket. Upon exiting the thicket I noticed 2 doe in front of me at about 50 yards. I retrieved my rifle and was watching these deer through the scope. They were not alerted to my presence and didn’t seem spooked cause they just fed along towards me. As I looked for a buck I hoped would be following the doe they fed into a mountain lion thicket to my left. I was just getting ready to take a step farther out of the pines when I noticed something to my right almost at the top of the valley about 140 yards away. When I seen it I thought to myself that’s the biggest bear I have ever seen in my life and threw the gun back up to look at it. My scope is a 3×9 and I had it set on 4 power for when I exited the pines cause I knew shots could range from 25-175 yards. This thing was squated down on its haunches behind a tree and it was looking down the hill at me. It had its hand stabilizing itself on the trunk as it peered around at me. When I looked at it I realized it wasn’t a bear. It didn’t have a snout but a nose. This thing looked almost human. I got a 10-15 second look as we stared at each other before I saw it’s expression change into this oh $h** look. It stood straight up then like a athlete finishing a squat turned to the left take a step and a half on 2 legs and disappear into the Laurel at the top of the valley. I have alot more details I haven’t gone into here ingrained into my mind I haven’t gone into here but would like to share my experiences with you.” --- Matt writes “Wes, I was at my cousin’s in Tionesta, PA for Christmas dinner. I stayed until almost 9:00 pm visiting after. On my way back home, in Oil City, is about 16 miles of mostly deserted rural roadway. There is a section of Gamelands, state owned public hunting lands, numbering about 10,000 acres on both sides of the road. Driving back home it’s a slight downhill on the left side of the road and it goes uphill to a ridge top and dense, hemlock and mountain Laurel covered steep river hillside, all hundreds of feet above the Allegheny River. We had been hunting archery and rifle some behind my cousin’s house above Tionesta Lake, a Corps of engineers flood control lake, so we had been seeing deer on the way home numerous times, especially in this one stretch of road that travels through the Gamelands, so I generally drive a little bit slower and am a little more attentive in areas we frequently see the deer to prevent hitting them. So, here I was driving home, watching for deer, when a young deer, I would say a yearling or early fawn from this year came stumbling/sliding into the road, like it had been tripped or pushed. In seconds, a huge, hairy figure jumped off of the bank and landed in the middle of the other lane next to the deer that was just regaining it’s feet. In one motion, it scooped the deer up in it’s left arm, which caused it to blat loudly, similar to a spine shot deer that needs finished off to prevent it’s suffering.( I had been only going 30 mph roughly through that stretch and had jammed on my brakes and had stopped.) In just a moment, it took it’s right hand and grabbed the deers head and just twisted and broke it’s neck effortlessly. It seemed to have been so concentrated on catching the deer, it didn’t notice me right away. After it dispatched the deer, it turned slightly to it’s left, towards me and, having my high beams on, I saw it well, only 15-20 yards from my bumper. It’s lips parted slightly and it let out a low, rumbly growl and just hurdled the far guardrails, easily and must have sprang at least 20 feet in that one leap. It was a dark auburn to black, but it seemed to have reddish highlights in front of the headlights. I only got to see part of it’s face, the left side and from the back really well. It was 8 ‘ or so tall, longer from the waist to head than waist to foot, didn’t seem to have a cone shaped head from the angle I saw it from, hands had to have spanned a foot or more across, it was at least 4′ across the shoulders, legs as big as my waist and I am 6’ and 270#. I know without a doubt this was a Sasquatch, flat nose, had pointed canines, upper and lower on the left side when it’s lips parted, not really pronounced, but noticeably pointed. It had fairly long hair, it’s face was bare from it’s protruding eyebrow area to it’s lower lip. Gray/black skin, kind of looked like supple leather, not worn, really. I just sat there for several minutes to get my composure. As much as I wasn’t quite sure what I saw those years ago, I’m convinced it wasn’t a black bear, but I am positive that this was a Sasquatch." --- Joel writes "We have some things going on at my house. Strange noises I have recorded. My six year old told me she saw a Sasquatch at her window before. It had creepy red eyes. It was black but had brown hair mixed in. It’s nose was flat. It scratched at their window. It hides, meaning it disappears and then appears I believe she means it ducks down and then stands up. She also said, and this is the wierd or creepy part, that it had blood on its teeth. I asked what she meant and she said it had red on or around its teeth. She also said it motions to them like come with him. The blood on its teeth sounded out of place and I know she’s young but when she told me this I believed her. I wonder if you’ve heard this before? This is the same girl who told me when she was three she saw a “monkey bear” with red eyes and a flat nose. She had a fever when she said this but I believed her and what is a monkey bear with red eyes and a flat nose? I have pics of foot prints, hair, and recordings from my house. I have a pic of what I think is a Sasquatch a guy gave me two-three miles from my house. If you can’t look into these or want to talk that’s fine but have you or anyone else heard of this type of behavior and details my daughter told me? Activity at my house has gone way down and I believe they keep their distance from us but we still hear them and experience things from time to time."