SC EP:564 Visitor On The Farm
Sasquatch Chronicles - A podcast by Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters
A listener writes “So this started in the summer of 1982 in Yamhill County Oregon my parents were divorced and me and my sister had gone out to visit my dad for the summer. Now we’d only been there a few days and one of our chores was to go up to the barn and feed the cows about 1/2 Mile to a quarter mile away. On the way back now mind you we had dogs that darted in and out of the trees and they were real low pine trees low to the ground and the dogs are really friendly mid-size dogs. Anyway on the way back in the clearing we were walking through the clearing and out from the pine trees that were so thick you couldn’t see through someone/something tossed a rock at us. Now it wasn’t a big rock it wasn’t throwing overhand it was like an underhand toss. My dad was at work my dad’s girlfriend had just come out of the house because we could hear the door slam. We were way back in the woods and nobody around really known we were there yet so for somebody to be screwing with us it was highly unlikely. Anyway after the rock came out at us the dogs that would usually lick someone to death if they showed up at the house come shooting out from the trees and surrounded us and herding us down the Hill. Well we didn’t think nothing of it too much, I mean it was weird but we didn’t know what to think you know I was 12 my sister was eight. So the summer wore on and we hear strange sounds coming out of the forest I thought it sound like a woman screaming my sister thought it sounded like a howl but we also hear it sounded like a baseball bat hitting something. Well I decided to stay and live with my dad for a year ,my sister went home in the late summer. We had a spring that ran through the yard that kind of just made it a little muddy I went by there one day to feed the horse and in the mud it look like a huge footprint. I went and got my dad and he wouldn’t even look but when I got down on the ground and looked at the footprint I could see ridges like you would see you in your handprint but only in a footprint. So I went up to the barn and I went to check on the horse well the horse was nosed into a corner and had been there all night it looked like she had kicked up the dirt like she was trying to fight something off and she had scratches but I couldn’t tell what they were. The dogs on the other hand wouldn’t let me go in the barn and my dad seen this and became very angry cuz he’s just wasn’t a nice person. When he got up there the dogs ran off cuz they knew better and we went up in the barn and I had left the big doors open where you load hay in when you stock the barn. But something had been up there and made like a nest out of a bunch of the Bales , it was real easy to get in the barn from the big doors my dad could jump from the hill into the barn because it was that close, it was just wide enough for pickup. Well as a summer wore on i heard lots of weird noises coming out of the forest and you know you would think you would see something but you really didn’t or get the feeling of being watched. About mid-January the coyotes started howling and they would start howling every night about 10 and our dogs would run out in the backyard and bark And howl and carry on. Well this particular night the dogs come plowing back in underneath the porch. Now they would crawl under there and they’d make a lot of noise and see I slept in the basement by the window by the porch so I always heard when they were making noises and this night they were whining and hiding and trying to get farther up underneath the porch and I rolled over to grab a shoe to bang on the cement wall to get them to shut up and as I looked into the window there was Bigfoot staring at me right in the face 4 feet away and I have had that image burned into my mind since I was 12 years old. I tried to scream I couldn’t scream I freaked out threw the blanket over my head seems like forever but was probably only a minute or two went to look again and he was gone. So at first I thought maybe I was imagining things so I looked out my window and I could see the footprints by the window I was a size 8 in men’s as a twelve-year-old already and this was a good twice the size of my foot. I thought this was going to be it at last I’ll show Dad in the morning cuz I didn’t dare wake him up in the middle of the night cuz he would have beat my ass. But as bad luck would have it it started raining. Now I got a real good look at this bigfoot because the porch light was on the Barnyard light was on so I got a really good look at his face I guess I couldn’t tell you about the hands of the chest all I could tell you is the face the eyes are so human-like the bridge above his eyes and his mouth and nose. I have a real close picture that’s really close that I’ll send to you in an email that I found somebody drew or whatever that’s about real close to what I seen. so I tried to tell my dad the next day but of course you blew me off and as spring started coming about March and April. now my dad was a guy that got stressed out a lot and he got mean when he was really stressed 1 of his ways to deal with it as he would go walk in the woods. He would be gone a minimum of 3 hours and one time he was gone almost 12 hours. This particular time he’d been gone only 45 minutes he come back in the house he told his girlfriend I wasn’t allowed to go outside he grabbed his 30/30 rifle and a 45 Long Colt pistol and said he had seen something and would be back. he never did say what he seen but after that I wasn’t allowed to go back out by myself in the woods. I have had some other experiences in different states but not like this.”