A relentless pursuit: Hiroaki realises his dream from NPL to A-League - がむしゃらに挑み続けた夢、NPL からAリーグへ、 青山景昌選手

SBS Japanese - SBSの日本語放送 - A podcast by SBS

Hiroaki Aoyama almost gave up his professional career, but Australia helped him reaffirm the joy of playing football again. This season, he has realised his dream of entering the A-League, signing a one year contract with Perth Glory. - オーストラリア2部に当るセミプロリーグNPL1で2年間活躍した青山景昌選手。今季、Aリーグクラブのパース・グローリーとの契約を獲得しました。