The youth leading the push for a world without nuclear weapons - 核兵器のない世界を目指す若きリーダーたち

SBS Japanese - SBSの日本語放送 - A podcast by SBS

The threat posed by nuclear weapons has not faded, according to youth leaders who have attended a global conference in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the site of devastating atomic bomb attacks 79 years ago There are around 12,500 nuclear weapons in the world – and with 56 active conflicts in the world, scientists say the threat and risk of activation is at the highest level it’s ever been. Youth leaders say they hope to accelerate progress towards a world without nuclear weapons. - 広島と長崎に原爆が投下されてから79年。被爆者の平均年齢が85歳を超える中、核兵器のない世界を実現するためには、未来を担う若者への伝承がますますと重要となっています。9月26日は「核兵器の全面的廃絶のための国際デー」です。