#40 Living the Mystery: Shakti Caterina Maggi
Sounds of SAND - A podcast by Science and Nonduality - Joi

Spiritual guide and author, Shakti is known internationally as one of the most authentic and profound voices in contemporary spirituality. Presenting the message of Advaita and non-dual Tantra within a contemporary framework, Shakti offers, with compassion and great clarity, an inner technology for dissolving the contraction of suffering that traditionally accompanies each of our lives. Her invitation is to come to the space of inner peace and unconditional love which resides at the heart of us all. Her key teachings are the love for transcendence, or spiritual awakening, followed by its deep integration, into everyday living, so that each moment can be met as a precious opportunity for spiritual growth. Her students are left with the joy of an open heart and an authentic sense of freedom within the recognition of our being as one with everything. Shakti's Course on SAND Dwelling in the Heart Topics: 00:00 – Introduction02:20 – Awakening to Our True Nature05:21 – Letting Go Language08:04 – Emptiness13:08 – Authenticity15:07 – Experiencing with the Heart20:26 – Staying with the Paradox of Seperation29:52 – Seeing into our Listening37:16 – Nondual Tantra40:20 – Compassion and Suffering50:45 – Coming Up for Shakti