051 Diane Hamilton & Jeff Salzman – Processing the 2020 Election, So Far
State of Emergence - A podcast by Terry Patten
Diane Musho Hamilton (award-winning mediator and Zen Roshi) and Jeff Salzman (integral political commentator and host of The Daily Evolver) join Terry to react, reflect, and take to heart this week’s historic, record-breaking, and, in many ways disturbing U.S. election. In true 2020 fashion, the election insisted on being an ordeal, and it will of course continue to challenge our collective patience, sensemaking, compassion, and resilience for weeks (perhaps even months) to come. On Tuesday November 8, 2016 Diane, Jeff, and Terry gathered in Boulder to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s victory together (Ha ha!). The next day they recorded “The Trump Era: Day 1: Three integrally-informed friends attempt to face reality” on his Daily Evolver podcast. In this week’s episode, almost exactly 4 years later, they reunite, react, reflect and take to heart the implications of the 2020 election results, including Trump’s unprecedented but unsurprising response — from three diverse integrally-informed perspectives. Diane Musho Hamilton is an award-winning professional mediator and a compassionate, funny, dazzling facilitator. She is a Zen lineage holder, a trainer of Integral Facilitation, and the Executive Director of Two Arrows Zen in Utah. Diane has authored three books: Everything Is Workable, The Zen of You and Me, and her new book, co-authored with Gabriel Menegale Wilson and Kimberly Myosai Loh, Compassionate Conversations. Jeff Salzman is the creator and host of The Daily Evolver podcast, which looks at current events in politics and culture through the lens of integral theory. Jeff helmed Integral Institute Seminars from 2004-2007, where he, Diane, and Terry worked closely with Ken Wilber to co-create Integral Life Practice. After that, he founded the Boulder Integral Center, the first bricks-and-mortar center dedicated to the integral study and practice of human evolution. For more information on Diane Musho Hamilton, Jeff Salzman or Terry Patten, check out the following resources: Diane's Website: https://www.dianemushohamilton.com/ Jeff's podcast The Daily Evolver: https://www.dailyevolver.com/ Diane's new book, Compassionate Conversations – How to Speak and Listen from the Heart: https://www.dianemushohamilton.com/books/ Two Arrows Zen: https://www.twoarrowszen.org/ Terry Patten's website: https://www.terrypatten.com/ A New Republic of the Heart: https://newrepublicoftheheart.org/ “Processing the 2020 Election, So Far” is a co-production of State of Emergence and The Daily Evolver. We hope you appreciate the conversation. If you feel these conversations have value and you’d like to see them reach a wider audience, please join us as an official supporter and select a monthly contribution. Thank you so much for your support.