060 January 21, 2021
State of Emergence - A podcast by Terry Patten

In light of the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, host Terry Patten shares spontaneous reflections on endings, new beginnings, hope, despair, the spiritual tasks of this time, and how we can refuse to put anyone out of our hearts. We hope that you appreciate this episode, and, most importantly, that you are finding your own way to a renewed and inspired civic engagement during the current transition. Also: We invite you to join become a Friend of State of Emergence on our website (if you haven’t already) by making a monthly contribution to help the podcast thrive. You will then receive access links to our future live Q&A events every month with Terry and others. We hope you’ll join us! For more information on Terry Patten, check out the following resources: Terry’s nonprofit website A New Republic of the Heart Terry’s book, A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries Terry Patten’s website