Little Man - Act 3

Table Read - A podcast by Manifest Media / Realm


Little Man Act 3: They do! Doug finds out Ethan and his girlfriend, Priya, are engaged and expecting a baby. Devastated Doug undoes all the good he's done by acting out at school and runs away. Doug begs Carl for help. Carl finds an underground ice cream man who can fix Doug's mess. At the meeting point, Doug saves a toddler from getting hit by a train, but misses the rendezvous and his last hope. Ethan and Francine find Doug. He'll always be family; families stick together. The next day at the school play, fifth grade bullies sabotage the performance. Julia is in tears. Doug makes a heart-felt speech about her kindness and belief in her students. He saves the day and transforms back into a grown up! Over the next 8 months, he gets his act together and becomes a responsible adult. Doug is asked to be the godfather to Ethan and Priya's son. LITTLE MAN:  A hysterical irreverent comedy! "SHALLOW HAL" meets "13 GOING ON 30"... with a generous, dusting of "SUPERBAD."  Our all-star cast absolutely destroys this script... guaranteed. You'll laugh out loud!Imagine a world where karma is a magic blue popsicle. LITTLE MAN is a comedy about a foul-mouthed loser who gets an unwanted "do-over" as an 8 year-old. But to turn back into a grown-up, this little d-bag has 10 days to become a decent human being or he'll stay a kid forever. It's hard to be good when you've been bad for so long. Time's running out. Tick tock!Tell us about the podcast you'd create!🎁 Win the complete DLZ Creator System(1) Email us at [email protected] and share what you love about our show and what we will love about about yours.(2) Tag 3 amazing people in the comments!(3) Share this post in your story and tag us @tablereadpodcastla(4) Listen and Subscribe to TABLE READ💌 One lucky winner will be announced on July 4th! 🎙️ Attention podcast lovers! 🎧 We're thrilled to announce our partnership with MACKIE for an epic giveaway! 🎁 Win the complete DLZ Creator package, a podcast studio in a box! 🎉 Just email us at [email protected] to enter. Share your love for our show and what makes yours unique. 💌 One lucky winner will be announced on July 4th! Don't miss this chance to launch your own podcast and reach new heights! 🚀 #PodcastGiveaway #DLZCreator #TableReadPodcastVists: [email protected]

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