Talk Heathen 07.06 02-12-2023 with Student Doctor Ben and Blatant Blatheist

Talk Heathen - A podcast by Atheist Community of Austin - Duminică

In today’s episode of Talk Heathen, please observe how Student Doctor Ben and Blatant Blatheist handle the various calls with ease.First caller is Ethan from TN. He states that a right winged, conservative society consisting of nuclear families would be better than what we have now. In what ways is a nuclear family better than others? Do gender roles determine the betterness of family structure? If the nuclear family is better, then we should have evidence to back that up. If you describe the nuclear family as an institution, how is it defined? The caller was not able to provide a definition. Wesley from WV has proof of Jesus! The proof is in our mouths as teeth since Jesus has healed two teeth of every person on earth. Is there a way to demonstrate the truth of what you are saying? Thomas from TN has some questions about processing the death of his wife as an atheist. Grief beyond belief is helpful for these situations so you don’t grieve alone. You can also contact Recovering From Religion for support. One of the best things to do is to accept what is so that you can deal with the reality and not prolong your suffering. We hope you will get through this time. Bryan from Ireland wonders how many people who think they believe, really don’t. There are times when you feel unconvinced, and then fear takes over. We tend to fall back on what we were taught and people stay in religion for different reasons such as marriage. Could it be that the culture in Ireland is different from the U.S. when it comes to these things? Zakean from OK has come out as both non-binary and atheist. Their family is supportive yet refuses to use their pronouns or their name. Ben recommends they set up boundaries with the family where interaction is restricted if proper pronouns are not used. Some people allow a year or so to ask questions. If you are unable to get through to your family, acceptance helps. This dynamic is incredibly common in the trans community; you are not alone. Vaibhav from India wants to know how to engage with the one non-atheist in his small village, which is a place for people who have been kicked out of their families. If you kick this person out, that is the same thing that religious families do. Focus less on the religious aspect and more on the agreement that this person has violated. Brooklyn in FL does not believe Satanic themed performances should be banned from public spaces. If we regulate one viewpoint for art, what else are we going to regulate? People have every right to change the channel. Satanism is being used to prove a point and is being showcased openly. The Satanic Panic never went away! Thank you for tuning in this week! Please remember the essential workers and we will see you next week!Become a supporter of this podcast:

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