Refurb or No Refurb: Magic Kingdom
That Park Life: a Theme Park Podcast - A podcast by Greg & Beth - Theme Parks Fans - Miercuri

Greg's been all over Disney the past few days including 2 resort stays, so he's got a few stories to tell. Our main topic this week is our game of "Refurb or No Refurb" in Magic Kingdom! How'd we do with our choices? Let us know! Shop WorldTravelerTradingCo and use code "ThatParkLife" to save 15%! Follow us on Instagram:Show @thatparklifepodcastGreg @thedisneygregBeth @thehealthyhotmess If you like what you hear please leave us a review! If you want to support our show AND get exclusive access (and gifts!), visit our Patreon page. Thanks for listening!