Lessons of a Life-Long UFO Contactee | Ep74

Alien UFO Podcast - A podcast by Simon Bown

This week I'm talking to Bonnie Jean Mitchell about her book 'The Shift : A Lifetime of Contact Leading to Higher Consciousness'.This is the realization of who we are. The shift of consciousness is upon us. It is time for spiritual healing. We have entered the age of UFO disclosure and the secret government’s Project Blue Beam. The controllers of this world will do anything they can to prevent humanity from waking up and claiming their true power. Will you be able to see the truth within the lie?I have worked with my spiritual family, including the pleiadians and other benevolent, multidimensional entities, to raise my own vibrational frequency to a higher state of consciousness. I share my story with all of you to help assist in the awakening of humanity. It is time for us to remember who we are, where we come from, and why we are here. Most importantly, the shift will bring us into a higher state of consciousness that will allow us to realize our true power as human beings: loving creators and manifestors of reality.This is your handbook, authored in exact synchronicity with the coming frequency shift, offering discernment between the false, satanic narrative and the true, natural awakening and spiritual ascension of mankind. It is time to let go of the old matrix system we were indoctrinated into. The controllers no longer hold power over us. Focus your attention now on manifesting what you truly want in your life. We are leaving behind lower vibrational frequencies and tuning into a new channel of love and light! We are creating this new world together.The Shift details the personal experiences and lessons of a life-long contactee. Along the way, you will learn about: the power of human consciousness and our eternal spiritual nature, raising vibrational frequency, opening the third eye, seeing the truth behind the false matrix system, filling your heart with love and standing your ground, a closer look into military abduction and U.S. patents, facing fear and fighting the controllers including military psychics, reptilians, demons, and dark magicians posing as religious and political figureheads.One of the most important aspects of The Shift is breaking the mind control we have been under our entire lives. We can now release this trauma, re-write our neural programming, and re-create ourselves in a natural way that will allow our highest selves, our true selves, to shine through and take control of our lives and reality on the Earth plane as we create a new world of love and light together.Bonnie Jean Mitchell is a life-long contactee and lightworker who collaborates with benevolent, multidimensional star people toward the highest vibrational frequencies that lead to a profound shift in conscious awareness and the uplifting of humanity. Are you ready for The Shift?BioBonnie Jean Mitchell is a life-long experiencer and contactee. She first saw the star people when I was four years old. It was really bizarre to me then, but I became accustomed to their visits over the years. I saw them throughout my childhood, and they were always friendly toward me. The star people are multidimensional entities who can move in and out of our dimensional space. They come in different shapes and sizes, but most can shape shift their bodies. The star people I am closest with are tall and thin with light-colored, almost white skin. Some have white or blonde hair. If I had to choose a label for them, I would call them Pleiadian, although I realize they are non-physical beings.When I was 19 years old, the star people became my full-time teachers. At night, they would take my conscious awareness from my physical body and transport it to a vibrational frequency where we could both work together for extended periods of time. I call this place the Alternate Reality. They put me through intense training for about five years. They taught me to face my...

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