Lifelong Alien Contact | Ep109

Alien UFO Podcast - A podcast by Simon Bown

This week I'm talking to Bonnie Jean Mitchell about her book 'Journey with the Star People'.This is the true, spiritual story of life-long contactee Bonnie Jean Mitchell. There are many levels of psychic training and testing with multidimensional star people. I learned to defend myself against alien abduction, military abduction (MILABS), and psychic attack. I also learned how to manifest reality on the etheric plane. At each new level of training, I step through a doorway that leads me to a higher vibrational frequency. My friends, who are benevolent star people, helped me prepare for a monumental shift in conscious awareness that will uplift and transform the awakened souls on Earth and, at the same time, end life as we know it. Can you see the doorway opening?Millions of abductees and contactees meet with multidimensional entities in an alternate reality while their physical bodies sleep. This is a multifaceted, spiritual process that goes much deeper than what we experience on the physical plane. Many of us have trained our entire lives to assist in the coming frequency shift, all the while dealing with attacks from military trained psychics and demonic entities. The controllers of this world will stop at nothing to prevent humanity from breaking their hypnotic spell and regaining conscious awareness.BioBonnie Jean Mitchell is a life-long experiencer and contactee. She first saw the star people when I was four years old. It was really bizarre to me then, but I became accustomed to their visits over the years. I saw them throughout my childhood, and they were always friendly toward me. The star people are multidimensional entities who can move in and out of our dimensional space. They come in different shapes and sizes, but most can shape shift their bodies. The star people I am closest with are tall and thin with light-colored, almost white skin. Some have white or blonde hair. If I had to choose a label for them, I would call them Pleiadian, although I realize they are non-physical beings.When I was 19 years old, the star people became my full-time teachers. At night, they would take my conscious awareness from my physical body and transport it to a vibrational frequency where we could both work together for extended periods of time. I call this place the Alternate Reality. They put me through intense training for about five years. They taught me to face my fears and how to defend myself against psychic attack whether from human or alien. At the same time, I dealt with U.S. military trained psychics and military abduction. I was taught that we are in a war; a spiritual battle of epic proportions including factions from this world and other worlds, many of them non-physical but very real and all of us intricately connected.The star people taught me how to use my third eye as a tool to focus and direct energy. I practiced with them and fellow human students in the alternate reality for many years. I refer to this time as the Star People School. Whoever passed the gauntlet of psychic tests and challenges advanced to the next level of training. I eventually went on to learn how to use subtle energy to manifest reality. The most important reason for all the teaching is the Shift of Consciousness. This is the uplifting of humanity…when humans remember who they really are, where they come from, and what their true purpose is. Most importantly, humanity will remember how to control energy and manifest a beautiful reality. This is when the false matrix system collapses entirely and the world is reset.I have continued to work with the star people throughout my life with this cause in mind: to awaken humanity. I know the time is close, very close, when the Shift occurs. In fact, it has already begun. When humans wake up and break the hypnotic spell that was put upon them, the evil Controllers of this world will flee for their lives. This world is a temporary...

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