95. end of the year check in
The Best Today® Podcast - A podcast by Shunta Grant - Luni

This week on the Best Today® Podcast I am walking you through an end of the year review and self check-in and offering you a free download to walk through six categories. This review is great any time of the year that you want to make space for introspection and intentionality. Details on how to get your free download are in this weeks episode! Listen to the episode and find all links referenced in today's episode at besttoday.co/95 or listen on any platform that works for you at besttodaypodcast.com. Links Mentioned in Episode: Ep. 43: Your Free Year End Review and Self Check In. Ep. 91: How and why I plan quarterly solo staycations. How to Preview and Plan Your Months, Weeks and Days Ep 57: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Promote a Healthy Internal Dialogue Want to talk more about the episode? Let's connect in our private community and app, the Best Today® Community. Join us at besttodaycommunity.com your first 3 days are free! We want to hear from you, leave us a message with your questions or share your story of how our resources have helped you be your best one today at a time at besttodayguide.com/voice or text us at 404-737-1002! If you enjoy the Best Today® Podcast we invite you to become a Best Today® Podcast supporter. Visit besttodaypodcast.com and click on the support button and become an official supporter of the podcast today!