Episode 10: The "WTF Years"
The Blunder Years - A podcast by Ted Bauer

I lived in an apartment — the number was 234 — with my ex for about 34 months. Since I left my parents’ house back in probably 1999, I think that’s the longest single place I’ve ever lived. I moved out of that place, oddly 14 years to the day of my graduation from college, after we got divorced. The new place was Number 328 and for a chunk of time I lived there, I’d classify myself as “lost.” When I eventually donated the couch in 328 to the Salvation Army, there were cigarette burns on it. You get the broader idea.
Well, back in 234, I was writing virtually every day and starting to get some traffic and some traction as a freelancer. In that apartment, I appeared on one podcast taping … and the lady I taped with never ran it. A few months into 328, I appeared on this guy Paul Millerd’s podcast. He talks about work in different ways and has a cool approach to what “success” even is. His newsletter, which hits on Saturdays usually, is one of the best out there if you care about issues like work, learning, success, etc. So now that I’m doing a podcast, I wanted to have him on. That’s what this episode is. By the way, now I live in an Apartment numbered 603, but I’m still interested in these types of work and life and success and future issues, and I hope you are too. Godspeed, and let’s get to it.