Episode 23: Sex robots, housing prices, people at Staples, and guys after 35
The Blunder Years - A podcast by Ted Bauer

This is a conversation with one of my best friends, a dude in Texas named Clay. We met back in December 2014, right before Christmas. My ex-wife and I had lived in Texas since that July, didn’t know that many people, and on one random Friday night, we took an Uber to this bar. The bar had a nice ambience but it was mostly sour beers, which I don’t like. I am not very athletic as a person, but I was playing club soccer at the time to try and make adult friends, and randomly -- we didn’t plan this -- someone from my club soccer team was there. So we were talking to them, and eventually they left. My ex and I end up getting another drink and we start talking to this kid at the edge of the bar. That was Clay, that was December 2014, and we’ve been close friends almost ever since.
This conversation covers a bunch of different stuff, from sex robots in Japan to housing prices in the US to people you see at Staples. We mention someone named Jimmy briefly; that’s a mutual friend -- more his friend -- who got divorced post-kids. Mention a guy named Kerzee briefly too; that’s a guy from a gym we used to go to who says there are only a few paths through life for a guy after the age of 35. There might be some other inside references in here, for which I apologize in advance. But if you want to hear two close friends shoot the shit on a variety of issues in under 30 minutes, you’re in the right place. Let’s roll.