Episode 29: 2003, we rode school buses together. Now we're analyzing each other.

The Blunder Years - A podcast by Ted Bauer

In the summer of 2003, my friend Diana and I were both new corps members in Teach for America. We were both training in Houston, TX. I was actually going to stay there for my teaching commitment, and she went to New Mexico -- but we taught at the same school, shout-out to Lantrip Elementary, for that summer. Now, that was 17 years ago, and a lot of stuff has happened since. This podcast will probably be in two parts, although the second part has not been taped yet. This part is a look at some of the assessment work that Diana does with Hawthorne Union, her company. Basically, what we did was this … she sent me some of their assessments, I took them, and in this episode we go through the results and the areas where I am and am not “woke.” (Or maybe employable.) So across 17 years, we went from riding janky school buses together in Houston at age 22 to analyzing each other’s pros and cons in our late 30s. Oh, in related news, both of us are divorced as well … so that might be part of the second go-round here. But for now, let’s talk about assessments. We’re gonna start by discussing why the Predictive Index assessment is better than a lot of other junk out there.

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