Episode 31: Forgiveness as the essence of adulthood

The Blunder Years - A podcast by Ted Bauer

This episode was actually a nice dose of self-awareness for me. The guest is Alabama-based educator and leadership developer Joel Hawbaker, who talks about courageous humility and has a website called Real Life Leading. I am not exactly sure how I first came across Joel, but we were supposed to do a taping or two in fall 2019. I missed two of them -- I think one was for a work project, which I suppose is good, and the second was because of day drinking and missing the time, which is inherently bad. We finally did get to connect and it’s a really almost beautiful conversation about where education is headed, where religious involvement is headed, how to forgive, whether we’re all inherently selfish and apathetic, and a couple of guiding principles for your 30s. I’m glad we finally got to it. Let’s get into it.

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