Episode 34: Japan vs. USA, motherhood, "need cuddles," and gender equality

The Blunder Years - A podcast by Ted Bauer

I’m on a Twitter thread that we call Just Be Social, which is now about 35 people who talk throughout the day on different issues, usually current events, but sometimes it gets deep and heated on gender/sex, ecnomic models, etc. We’ve become pretty good “online friends,” I guess you would call it. It’s definitely helpful in this current moment of social distancing.

I have had other people from this thread on this podcast -- Mollie I think was Episode 2 and Brenda I think was Episode 14 -- and I plan to try and have more. This is an interview with my Just Be Social friend Theresa, who is a bad-ass mom, once lived in Japan, and is pursuing her MBA and working full-time in the general Portland area. We actually start this discussion with some USA vs. Japan comparisons, because I’ve never been to Japan and know nothing about it, really. (PS I think in Episode 23, my other friend talks about the idea of “sex robots” in Japan.) So we’re going to start there, but then we’ll get into motherhood and cuddles, gender equality and more. Let’s roll.

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