#0 - The Buffett Map - Introduction
The Buffett Map - A podcast by James Rothmann
The Buffett Map: A Journey Through Business, Investing, and Beyond Welcome to The Buffett Map, a curated podcast designed to navigate the timeless lessons of business, investing, operations, and management. This podcast draws inspiration from the Kanbrick Reading List— rumored to be the same reading list used for Berkshire Hathaway interns (do they even have interns??). The list is a treasure trove of 33 books that span two core areas: Investing and Operations & Management. By diving deep into these works, The Buffett Map provides a guide to the essential knowledge and strategies that have shaped the minds of some of the greatest investors and business operators of our time. The idea behind The Buffett Map is to provide a clear yet comprehensive overview—a map of sorts—for those looking to improve their understanding of the interconnected realms of business. Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone with an appetite for strategic thinking, this curated journey offers insights that will expand your circle of competence. At its heart, the podcast is intended as an exploration of business, investing, operations, management, and strategy. The Map is Not the Territory There are a few key things to bear in mind as we embark on this journey. One is the idea that “the map is not the territory.” This means that no guide, no podcast, and no reading list can ever replace the irreplaceable value of direct experience—or what Charlie Munger would aptly call the “sit on your ass” strategy. Reading these books and listening to these ideas will give you an excellent sense of what it takes, but to truly master the territory, you must put in the years of effort, dedication, and compounding of knowledge that define the success of investors like Buffett and Munger. This map is a great starting point, but knowing the territory requires getting your hands dirty over the long term. Expanding the Circle of Competence Another crucial aim of this podcast is to help expand our circle of competence—but always with a focus on knowing where the boundaries of that circle lie. The broad overview that The Buffett Map provides helps us better recognize what we know, but just as importantly, what we don’t know. Warren Buffett famously said, “I am a better investor because I am a businessman, and a better businessman because I am an investor.” This perspective highlights the importance of a broad, interconnected understanding of both investing and operations. The Kanbrick reading list reflects this, with a notable emphasis on books about operations and management, not just investing. Ultimately, the goal is to make us better investors and better businesspeople—to develop in both areas simultaneously because of the valuable interplay between them. A Note on Curation It’s important to note that The Buffett Map is not a series of original podcasts but a curated collection. I’ve used Google’s NotebookLM to generate these podcasts based on the notes and excerpts I’ve gathered over the past few years. Any errors that arise in this curation process are mine alone. All of the insight and genius in these podcasts belong to the authors and thinkers who have invested the years and effort—through the “sit on your ass” strategy—to produce these valuable works. My role here is to bring them together in one place, to click a few buttons and share what I’ve found valuable on my own journey. So, with that, I invite you to explore The Buffett Map. Let this be your guide as you expand your thinking in business, investing, management, and beyond. There are no shortcuts, but there are certainly smart routes. I hope this podcast serves as a helpful map as you navigate your way forward.