What can a mechanical colon tell us about gastrointestinal medication?
The Clinical Research Podcast - A podcast by Research & Innovation
One of the problems for treating gastro intestinal conditions is that it's hard to predict exactly how things dissolve in our guts. The food industry would dearly like to know more, and so would our gastro intestinal researchers, because if we knew how things fall apart in our colons, we can make drugs for conditions like Crohn's disease far more effective. But even with the latest imaging techniques that we use in Nottingham, it's difficult to see what's going on inside someone and for patients, it's uncomfortable. So - that's why we're use a mechanical colon, made by colleagues at @NIHRBhamBRC in Birmingham. Dr Luca Marciani, Professor in Gastrointestinal Imaging at Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, told me about the project. This Podcast is brought to you by the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre. Follow us on @NottmBRC, or email Nottingham research. If you haven't already, please subscribe to the podcast where-ever you get your podcasts, and like/review us on Apple Podcasts especially. It's For Science.