30. First Nations' Rights - Brenda L Croft

The Cluster F Theory Podcast - A podcast by Timotheus Vermeulen and Gia Milinovich

The artist and thinker Brenda L Croft is from the Gurindji/Malngin/Mudburra peoples from the Victorian River region of the Northern Territory of Australia, and Anglo-Australian/German/Irish/Chinese heritage. She has been a key participant in the Australian First Nations and broader contemporary arts and cultural sectors as a multi-disciplinary creative practitioner—artist, arts administrator, consultant, curator, educator and researcher—since the mid-1980s. Brenda is a Professor of Indigenous Art History and Curatorship, Australian National University. In 2023—2024 Brenda is Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser Chair of Australian Studies at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Australian National University faculty page: https://researchportalplus.anu.edu.au/en/persons/brenda-croft

ORCID page: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4913-6238

Harvard page: https://afvs.fas.harvard.edu/people/brenda-croft

Australian National Portrait Gallery: https://www.portrait.gov.au/people/brenda-l-croft-1964

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brenda_L_Croft

Brenda’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brendalcroft/

The Cluster F Theory Podcast is edited by Julian Mayers at Yada Yada https://www.yada-yada.net/.

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