#302 - Francis Lawrence
The Empire Film Podcast - A podcast by Empire Magazine - Vineri

This week's Empire Podcast sees a filmmaking Lawrence, famous for an association with The Hunger Games franchise, drop by for a chat about their new movie, Russian spy thriller Red Sparrow. Yes, it's director Francis Lawrence, who chats to Ben Travis about all manner of things, from Russian accents to torture implements. What, did you think we meant another filmmaking Lawrence, famous for an association with The Hunger Games? Weird. Elsewhere, Helen O'Hara braves the snow and the wind and the snowy wind to host this week's episode, discussing the week's big film news (Wonder Woman 2! The Oscars! Tarantino!) with Ben and James Dyer, and reviewing the big releases. Oh, and a giggling idiot calls in for a brief chat. It's cold outside, so pull up that weird fireplace movie they have on Netflix, huddle over your phone's dying battery for heat, and listen to the soothing strains of the Empire Podcast. You know it makes sense.