#303 - David Oyelowo, Lynne Ramsay
The Empire Film Podcast - A podcast by Empire Magazine - Vineri

This week's episode of the Empire Podcast was, unlike our Oscars 2018 podcast special, recorded on a full night's sleep, but is no less delirious. So apologies in advance, as Chris Hewitt, Nick de Semlyen and James Dyer decide who their Desert Island Director would be, discuss the week's movie news, and review You Were Never Really Here, Gringo, and Mom And Dad. Plus, they debut the catchiest song of the year so far, and discuss just what Thanos wants with those stones... Elsewhere, Chris welcomes the brilliant British actor David Oyelowo back to the podcast, to talk about comedy screaming in Gringo, and how the landscape has changed in Hollywood for black actors, particularly post-Black Panther. And Helen O'Hara may be off in Iceland, but she's still present on the pod, engaging in conversation with the great Scottish director, Lynne Ramsay, about You Were Never Really Here. Do you need to know anything more? Go on, get listening!