#335 - Jamie Lee Curtis, Gerard Butler
The Empire Film Podcast - A podcast by Empire Magazine - Vineri

This week's Empire Podcast is very much a tale of two interviews. First, actual living legend Jamie Lee Curtis talks to Chris Hewitt about returning to the Halloween franchise, and the role of Laurie Strode, for what feels like a fresh start. In a serious, even intense, interview, they touch upon the impact of the #MeToo movement upon the new film, about surviving trauma, and the emotional resonance of returning to the role. Then, podcast favourite Gerard Butler pops by the podbooth to talk about his new film, submarine thriller Hunter Killer, and ends up talking about how Novak Djokovic is perhaps the only person on Earth who can get him to yell, "THIS! IS! SPARTA!" Back in the booth, Chris is joined by Helen O'Hara, James Dyer, and Dan Jolin for a freewheeling episode in which they talk about classic modern comedies, eviscerate Cats the musical, drop in the odd history lesson, and get the reviews and news sections back-to-front. Oh, and Bob Dylan pops by for a rendition of the pod