#393 — Edward Norton

The Empire Film Podcast - A podcast by Empire Magazine - Vineri


Move over, Kubrick. Step aside, Malick. It's been 19 years since Edward Norton last directed a movie, but he puts that right this week with Motherless Brooklyn, a detective noir that he also wrote, and produced, and in which he stars. Chris Hewitt sat down with him for this week's pod to talk about that long gap, writing monologues for Alec Baldwin, and looking like James Cameron in Alita: Battle Angel. With Chris away on top secret business, Helen O'Hara steps into the breach for this week's show, talking about some film-related stuff and reviewing some movies with James Dyer and Ben Travis. Any rumours that this blurb is so vague because it was written in a hurry by someone who hasn't had a chance to listen to the show because someone else forgot to upload the podcast can neither be confirmed or denied at this time. Enjoy.

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