Avengers: Endgame Teaser Trailer Special

The Empire Film Podcast - A podcast by Empire Magazine - Vineri


Dread it. Run from it. The Empire Podcast's deeply nerdy audio breakdown of the brand new teaser for the fourth Avengers movie arrives all the same. Join Chris Hewitt and Helen O'Hara as they pore over the brand new teaser trailer for the movie we can now officially call Avengers: Endgame, conjure up more bonkers theories and possibly baseless speculation than you can shake a Time Stone at, and ask the big questions. What are those things called on Hawkeye's arms? Does Thanos hate dogs? And just what in the name of all that is holy happened to Steve Rogers' beard? In case you hadn't already guessed, this is a deep dive into the trailer, and not for the fainthearted or MCU sceptics. For everyone else, listening to this is as easy as clicking your fingers. Enjoy.

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