Is Your Partner a Narcissist? Here's What You Need to Do
Language of Love with Dr. Laura Berman - A podcast by The Language of Love - Miercuri

Today on “The Language of Love,” I am sitting down to talk to a woman who says she is struggling in her long-term marriage. As the mother of 3 young kids, my caller says that she is beginning to examine her past and her current relationship and now realizes that she is co-dependent. As a child, her father was emotionally available and displayed narcissistic behaviour, and her mother always had to keep him happy and calm in order for the house to run smoothly. As a result, my caller also learned to fill this role of being a people-pleaser, always seeking to keep the peace and hide her own needs. Now, in her marriage, my caller says that she is tired of having her boundaries ignored and her emotional needs go unmet. Although she loves her husband dearly, she feels like she has minimized her own needs and go along with whatever he wants, even if it makes her unhappy. She is stuck in a pattern of placating him and always putting him first when she doesn’t feel that same support from him. These emotions have come to a head lately as she recently lost her mother and is not feeling supported by her husband in her grief. So what should she do? Is her husband a narcissist and is such a diagnosis even useful? On this episode I teach listeners: • How our early family systems shape the roles we take on in life (like being a people-pleaser or hiding our own needs to make other people happy) • How the universe offers us soul-mates that will encourage us to face these unhealthy patterns • What to do when you and your partner are stuck in a negative loop of fighting, silent treatments, and unspoken resentments • Why I think we are all a little narcissistic deep down…and why that is okay Check out this episode and let me know your thoughts! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit