The Two Shifts That Most People Missed...

The Russell Brunson Show - A podcast by Russell Brunson | YAP Media


Two quick comments that Lindsey Stirling made at Funnel Hacking Live that could change your life. On today's episode Russell shares comments made by Lindsey Stirling at Funnel Hacking Live 2019, and how they relate to his own journey in marketing. Here are some of the awesome things to listen for in this episode: Hear Russell's perspective to comments Lindsey made at Funnel Hacking Live between songs. Find out how Lindsey got started on YouTube, and how it seems similar to things other marketers have probably done. And see why Lindsey and Russell both think that finding success can change who you are, and how they have been able to stay grounded. So listen here to find out how Lindsey Stirling has found success, and why her journey seems so familiar. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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