Why We NEED Mom Friends
The MomForce Podcast Hosted by Chatbooks - A podcast by Vanessa Quigley

Growing up with sisters meant a lot of fights. But it also meant you had a tight knit group of built in best friends. While not everyone grows up in such a big family, friendships of any sort are important. Moving away from family and transitioning into different phases of life has reinforced the importance of creating and maintaining meaningful relationships as adults. Vanessa and all of her sisters are together to chat about the value of friendship, the importance of girl time and meeting people in this busy phase of life. Between parks, play dates, and preschool, all the girls share what has worked for them throughout the years. Don’t forget to join us over on the MomForce Facebook Group where we’ve committed to creating MomForce Meet-Ups! Also - check out our Chatbooks Podcast page for more fun information and tidbits! We are so happy you are here! Make a Chatbook and use code POD20. Happy Chatbooking!