206: A Blended-Family Positive Movie

The New Family Podcast - A podcast by Respected parenting editor Brandie Weikle of thenewfamily.com and the 1,000 Families Project talks to compelling people whose stories represent the changing face of family.

Part of my reason for starting the website, and later, this podcast, was because I didn’t see families like my own — an usually amicable post-divorce family with co-parents living next door for years — reflected in mainstream media. When she was growing up, my guest for this episode, Paulina Lagudi, had a similar experience comparing her own family to the ones she saw on TV and in movies. Well, today she’s able to do something about that. Paulina is a filmmaker who has created a movie called “Mail Order Monster” or “M.O.M.” for short. The film tackles grief, blended family and step-parenting in a way that puts a modern and perfectly imperfect family in a positive light. Show notes Love our work? Please check out our Patreon Campaign! Become a patron of the show for as little as $1 per month    

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