Spencer Rudolph - Sage Hill Ranch Gardens
The No-Till Growers Podcast Network - A podcast by Farmer Jesse

Spencer Rudolph - Sage Hill Ranch Gardens Farming a North-Facing Terraced Hillside in Southern California with a Coronavirus update at the end. Instagram: https://instagram.com/sagehillranchgardens?igshid=ajf0qrovz4pf Fbook: https://www.facebook.com/SageHillRanchGardens/ Support our work at www.patreon.com/farmerJesse Events I mentioned: notillgrowers.com/events Also check out our show sponsors: Www.BCSamerica.com and www.farmersweb.com www.tilthsoil.com **Support our work** Venmo: @notillgrowers Patreon Group: https://www.patreon.com/FarmerJesse?alert=2 No Till Growers Site: notillgrowers.com