18. How to Create Immediate Happiness With Anil Gupta
The Resilient Minds Podcast - A podcast by Eric Balance

Today, I am talking to the expert of happiness, Mr. Anil Gupta. Anil had dedicated his life to helping others find happiness. He hosts life-changing workshops and talks in front of thousands of raving fans who are all on their own journey to find their happiness. In this episode, we discuss how the small things in life - hugs, saying hi to a stranger or a cup of coffee - are the things that can give us the most happiness in life. Anil talks about deeply connecting to the people you love by having conversations about what they want, what makes them happy and what makes them sad. He believes the two most important things in life are relationships and health. We talk about moving past the fear of people judging you. If you're intent is pure and to serve, it doesn't matter what other people think because what other people think about you is none of your business. You can either be a person who makes others happy when you enter a room or you can be a person who makes others happy when you leave a room. Remember, it's not about you, it's about the difference you make. There is greatness inside of you. Anil says the most important thing to do right now is to have a high level of awareness. Keep thinking what else you can do right now to better yourself. This is a golden opportunity. It's not what happens, it's who you become. What you will discover: How to find gratitude every day. Try writing down 30 things that you are grateful for, allocate 15 minutes a day to daydream and learn a new habit every week. How you can control your life, instead of life controlling you. The benefits of giving authentically and not asking for anything in return. Why you should say YES when someone asks you something difficult. Having levels of awareness and treating people with humility and kindness is a key role in showing up for others. Anil's advice if you are struggling with judgement of others. 3 tips to get through times of difficulty. Get in contact with Anil Gupta at: Email: [email protected] Instagram: www.instagram.com/anilguptausa/ Website: www.immediatehappiness.com How happy are you? Check out www.myhappytest.com Hit me up on social media and say hi! Podcast: https://www.ericbalance.com/podcast/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ericbalance/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ericbalancecoaching Website: https://www.ericbalance.com/ Linkedin: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/ericbalance