Take A Walk: The True Cost of More Crap

The Salty Club - A podcast by The Salty Club

Hello and welcome to our freshly minted take a walk with Caity solocast- this is a little thing to listen to when you’re going on your hot girl walks around the town, or washing your hot girl dishes or driving your hot girl car, or catching the hot girl train, to wherever you’re going. It’s a short intimate solocast where Salty Club co-founder Caity just talks about what’s been going on in my month, and sometimes what fresh hell has been unleashed upon her life as an expat mum living in Guatemala, navigating this wild wonderful culture and terrain, She talks about motherhood and trying to raise a little boy as intentionally as possible without losing her sh*t, she talks about running a business and making life work outside that traditional 9-5 and it’s all basically soaked in her constant overthinking and examining of all aspects of life, always, and the overarching question she thinks she is always getting at, which is usually, what does it mean to live a meaningful life, and am I on the right track? From the day-to-day mundane things to the big existential thoughts and back again, put on your headphones, join her for a walk and feel like you’re just chatting and shooting the sh*t with one of your best friends.

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