The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek lived in Greece between the fourth and third centuries B.C., later becoming known as the philosopher of pleasure. In his Letter to Menoeceus, he outlines his theory regarding death, ethics and the pursuit of happiness. According to this philosopher, the attainment of happiness is not only possible, but turns out to be much easier than one might imagine. Epicureanism is sometimes associated with hedonism and other currents of thought that emphasize the importance of sensory and material pleasures, however, the differences are more than the similarities. What about you? Are you an authentic Epicurean?Select the sentences you believe to be in line with Epicurus’ thought. The good can be obtained easily The key to happiness lies in moderation Pleasure is primarily the absence of pain Not all pleasures are to be sought equally What is frightening about death is its anticipation Philosophy can and should be practiced by young and old alikeNote the number of selected boxes and read the relevant profile.0: There is nothing Epicurean about you!1-2: You are moderately Epicurean3-4: You are quite Epicurean5-6: You are an authentic Epicurean!

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