Emotional Intelligence Test

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek

https://spiritualseek.online/emotional-intelligence-test-full/---------------What Is Emotional Intelligence?Nowadays, the scientific and technological approach, based on rationality and logical thinking, is emphasized to the detriment of the humanistic and philosophical aspects of existence, in which emotions and thoughts play a fundamental role. Modern society shows a double standard towards the emotional side. On the one hand, it rewards those who are less sensitive and therefore more determined in achieving their goals, while, on the other hand, it leverages the most primitive drives and emotions to persuade people to buy products and objects. Acknowledging this dichotomy is in itself a symptom of emotional intelligence (EI), but it is not enough, since EI counts at least five distinct yet interconnected components: Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills.Emotional Intelligence and Emotional QuotientEmotional intelligence (EI), which is expressed in the form of emotional quotient in personality tests (EQ), is the ability to perceive and manage our own and others’ emotions. In the last decades of the 20th century, it was the subject of study by renowned psychologists who defined it as a form of social intelligence that involves the capacity to monitor individual and other people’s feelings and emotions, employing them to channel one’s thoughts and provide meaning to their actions.From Introspection to Social InteractionIn order to become emotionally aware and intelligent, one must first embark on an introspective journey of self-discovery. It might sound obvious, but it is essential to understand that every emotion, thought, and experience begins within us. Hence, in order to establish mature and constructive relationships with others, we must first understand ourselves, who we are and what we really desire. The purpose of this personality test focusing on the emotional side of the human experience, is precisely to provide insights and information on one’s level of emotional awareness, while also taking into consideration the social and relational aspects involved.Test di intelligenza emotiva in italiano:https://ricercaspirituale.online/test-intelligenza-emotiva/

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