Mini-Quiz: Are You a True Zoroastrian?

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek the fascinating world of Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest, and still practiced, monotheistic religions in the world. This quiz will challenge your knowledge about its rich history, unique beliefs, and cultural significance. Discover how Zoroastrianism has influenced other major world religions and its enduring legacy in modern times. Test your understanding of key figures, sacred texts, and the core tenets that define this intriguing faith. At the end of the quiz, you will find detailed explanations for each question: we encourage you to read them to broaden your knowledge of Zoroastrianism.Answer all the questions and choose one response for each of them.1. What is the central concept of dualism in Zoroastrianism? (A) The balance between life and death (B) The eternal struggle between good and evil (C) The harmony of nature and humanity2. What role does fire play in Zoroastrian worship? (A) It symbolizes destruction and rebirth (B) It represents purity and the presence of Ahura Mazda (C) It is used as a tool for divination3. How does Zoroastrianism view the afterlife? (A) Souls are reincarnated based on their deeds (B) Souls face judgment at the Chinvat Bridge (C) All souls merge into a universal consciousness4. How does Zoroastrian cosmology describe time? (A) Time is cyclical with endless repetitions (B) Time has a linear progression towards an ultimate renovation (Frashokereti) (C) Time exists only as an illusion created by human perception5. What does Fravashi represent in Zoroastrian belief? (A) The physical body that houses the soul (B) The guardian spirit or higher self guiding an individual (C) The collective memory of humanity6. What is the significance of “Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds” in Zoroastrian ethics? (A) They are mantras for meditation (B) They form the core ethical framework guiding behavior (C) They describe stages of spiritual enlightenmentThe correct answers are the ones corresponding to the letter B. Count the number of times you chose answer B and check your profile below.0: Zoroastrianism is not your thing!1-2: You are a quite misinformed Zoroastrian3-4: You are an evolving Zoroastrian5-6: You are a true expert on Zoroastrianism!Explanation of answers1. What is the central concept of dualism in Zoroastrianism?The eternal struggle between good and evil is the central concept of dualism in Zoroastrianism. This religion posits a cosmic battle between Ahura Mazda, the embodiment of all that is good, and Angra Mainyu (or Ahriman), the spirit of evil. This dualistic worldview emphasizes moral choices and the responsibility of individuals to choose righteousness.2. What role does fire play in Zoroastrian worship?In Zoroastrianism, fire holds profound symbolic significance. It is considered a representation of purity and the divine presence of Ahura Mazda, the supreme deity in Zoroastrian belief. Fire, along with clean water, is seen as a symbol of purity because it has the ability to cleanse and purify.3. How does Zoroastrianism view the afterlife?The concept of the Chinvat Bridge is central to the afterlife perspective of Zoroastrianism. After death, every soul is believed to face judgment at this bridge, which serves as a decisive point where one’s actions during their lifetime are evaluated.4. How does Zoroastrian cosmology describe time?Time has a...

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