The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek
Categories: test gets its inspiration from the words of Jesus, according to the evangelist John:"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; yet because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you". This cryptic phrase with profound spiritual meaning can be summarized as follows: being in the world, but not of the world. So, do you think you belong to the world? Or do you feel you are here only passing through?Review the following statements and check the ones you agree with and consider best aligned with your perspective. Death is simply the end of everything I would like to live forever if it were possible You have to live each day as if it were your last I feel comfortable in society, although it is not perfect Religion is useless now that science explains everything I have the feeling that I have already lived on this planetCount the number of selected boxes and read the associated profile.0: Most likely you are passing through IN the world1-2: One part of you belongs to the world, another part does not3-4: You almost certainly belong to the world5-6: You belong to the world, or rather, you are OF the worldExplanation of sentencesDeath is simply the end of everythingThis statement reflects a materialistic view of existence, suggesting that life ceases to have meaning beyond physical existence. Agreeing with this implies a belief that there is no afterlife or spiritual continuation. Such a mindset can easily lead towards nihilism and make people totally dependent on external circumstances, making them extremely manipulable by worldly power.I would like to live forever if it were possibleThis expresses a desire for immortality, which can indicate a fear of death or an attachment to earthly experiences and relationships. Those who wish to extend their biological life as much as possible, completely shift their existential focus from the inside to the outside, eventually losing any solid and lasting ethical and moral reference point.You have to live each day as if it were your lastThis perspective encourages awareness and appreciation of the present moment. However, those who advocate this kind of attitude still show considerable attachment toward earthly experiences and the perceptions, often illusory, of the senses. The experiences we have are not valuable in themselves; what makes them meaningful is the interpretation we give them. If our interpretive reference is materialistic and superficial in nature, having one or a million experiences will make no difference in evolutionary terms.I feel comfortable in society, although it is not perfectAgreeing with this suggests an acceptance of societal norms and structures, indicating a level of integration within the world despite its flaws. While such an attitude makes life less complicated and frustrating, it also results in a mental appeasement that halts both personal and spiritual growth.Religion is useless now that science explains everythingThis statement reflects skepticism toward religion in light of scientific advances, suggesting a worldview that privileges empirical evidence over intuition and inner research. If something exists, it means it has a purpose. Religion is no exception. It is up to us to realize what kind of meaning it may hold for us. To completely ignore something, whatever it is, without even trying to understand it,...