Mini-Test: Are You Young or Old Minded?
The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek
Categories: you looking for a quick and free mental age test? Here it is! This is in fact a shortened and simplified version of our Mental Age Test with AI. If you want to receive a complete and accurate assessment of your mindset, we recommend that you take the full test immediately after trying this mini-quiz. Below you will find 5 questions and 3 different profiles (Child, Adult, Elderly), each one corresponding to a specific mental state. Which mental group do you belong to?Answer all the questions and choose one response for each of them.1. How important is fun for you? (C) A lot, I want to have fun and feel emotions (A) Enough, but duty comes first (E) I don’t care about fun, I have other things to think about2. Does the idea of getting old scare you? (C) Not at all, life is still long and full of surprises (A) Rarely, I am too busy to think about it (E) A lot, everyone grows old and dies sooner or later3. Do you trust what you see on television? (C) I don’t know, I prefer Internet and social media (A) Quite, but there is also a lot of rubbish (E) Of course, TV is essential4. In which context would you prefer to live? (C) In a super-technological world full of robots (A) In a society where people work less and earn well (E) In a world where you never grow old5. Arrange the following in order of importance: (C) Friendship, Money, Health (A) Money, Health, Friendship (E) Health, Money, FriendshipCount how many times you have selected each letter:C = ChildA = AdultE = ElderlyThe category with the highest score indicates the predominant type of mindset:If C > A & E: You have the mental age of a CHILDIf A > C & E: You have the mental age of an ADULTIf E > C & A: You have the mental age of an ELDERLYIf you scored the same in two contiguous groups and you are under 30 years of age, it means that you are making the transition to a higher mental age, e.g. from child to adult, or from adult to elderly. If you are over 30, on the other hand, it is unlikely that your mindset will change dramatically yet, so you must decide which group you belong to! If you got Child and Elder equal, it means that you are quite confused!Questo test in italiano:Test dell’Età Mentale