Mini-Test: Do You Have an Abundance Mindset?

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek spiritual abundance is rooted in external achievements, material possessions or the accumulation of resources to create a sense of fulfillment, while true spiritual abundance arises from an internal mindset that recognizes the inherent fullness and meaningfulness of existence in its broadest sense, regardless of earthly circumstances. Fake spiritual abundance often leads to feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction because it is based on scarcity thinking, believing that something is missing. True spiritual abundance fosters contentment and peace by embracing what already exists as enough. What kind of mindset do you possess? Do you believe in false abundance, or in true spiritual evolution?Read the statements below and choose the ones that reflect your way of thinking. If I desire something, it’s because I’m meant to have it Abundance means having whatever I want, whenever I want it, without limits I can manifest anything by just thinking positively and visualizing it enough times Abundance is the ultimate sign of spiritual success and alignment with the universe Scarcity is just a mindset; there’s no such thing as limited resources in the real world Spirituality and wealth are directly connected: if I’m spiritually evolved, I’ll also be wealthyCount the number of boxes selected and examine the resulting profile.0: You don’t believe in fake abundance!1-2: Beware of the trap of fake abundance!3-4: You are walking into the trap of fake abundance!5-6: You fall victim to the illusion of false abundance!

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