Spiritual Awareness Test

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek

https://spiritualseek.online/awareness-test-full/----------Definition of AwarenessThe concept of awareness is difficult to describe in purely rational terms, since its essence pervades various dimensions, from the instinctual-sensory to the soul-spiritual. Trying to generalize, we could define awareness as the breadth of the gaze each of us uses in analyzing and understanding things.Imagine an ant’s view of the world, limited to the ground adjacent to it and completely unaware of what goes on above. Now identify with a hawk flying high in the sky, imagine the breadth of its gaze underneath. How many things does the hawk see that the ant cannot? Now, translating that perspective to our perceiving in its broader meaning and not just in visual terms, we could say that the person gifted with a hawk’s gaze possesses a broader awareness than the one who observes the world from the ant’s perspective.Transcending DualityFrom a spiritual standpoint, one might describe consciential evolution as the process of transcending the dualistic nature intrinsic to the human mind. This duality frequently results in a tendency to categorize and segregate experiences into opposing dichotomous factions, such as good and evil or black and white. Typically, individuals unconsciously align themselves with one of these conflicting sides; politics serves as a prime example of this phenomenon.Reuniting OppositesIn contrast to the ego-material dimension, which is characterized by division, the soul-spiritual dimension embodies unity. Rather than identifying with specific aspects, it encourages a contemplative approach marked by detachment. This perspective does not operate through opposition; instead, it embraces complementarity. Where the mind tends to create divisions, consciousness seeks to unify, fostering a broader understanding not only of earthly existence, but also of reality itself.Our test will try to carp about the breadth of your view of the world!Questo test in italiano:Test della Consapevolezza Spirituale

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