The Interconnection of Spiritual Ideals and Social Values

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek Asked QuestionsWhy do we experience a sense of dissatisfaction with ourselves, society, and the world?The dissatisfaction we feel arises from a perceived gap between our current state and a state of perfection or fulfillment. This gap isn't between God and humanity or spirituality and society, but rather an internal division within the human psyche, a sense of being a "double personality." We recognize that the world, ourselves, and society as they currently exist are not what they ought to be, indicating an inherent aspiration towards something transcendent or "otherworldly." This yearning for something beyond the present experience fuels our discontent.What is meant by the term "otherworldly" when referring to our spiritual aspirations?"Otherworldly" doesn't necessarily mean that our goals are located in some distant, separate place. Instead, it refers to the fact that nothing within this finite world, with its limitations and impermanence, can ultimately satisfy us. Our experiences of suffering, pain, and the ever-present reality of death point to a longing for a state beyond the limitations of material existence. We crave a perfection that is not found in the physical, material realm alone. However, it is also not entirely separate, since there is a vital connection between the worldly and the "otherworldly" nature of our aspirations, as further discussed below.If our spiritual goals are "otherworldly," how can they be relevant to our daily lives?Although the ultimate goal may lie beyond the material world, it is intrinsically linked to our current existence. This connection exists because the Supreme Absolute, the source of all creation, has gradually descended into the material world. This means that our material existence, the lowest rung on the evolutionary ladder, is simultaneously connected with the highest possibilities. We are not separate from the divine, and thus the path to our spiritual goals is found in our daily lives. This includes developing self-discipline, and serving others.How does the concept of evolution connect the material world with spiritual ideals?Evolution, as described in both Western thought and ancient Indian scriptures, suggests a gradual descent of the divine creative principle into denser and denser forms of existence. The process began with the subtlest principle, and gradually evolved to the grossest, or physical material world which we now inhabit. The material world, including our physical bodies, is understood to be both the final product of this descent and the foundation for our spiritual journey. In essence, our physical existence is the stepping stone for our spiritual aspirations.What is the significance of the physical world and our material involvement in the pursuit of spiritual goals?While the material world may seem to be the antithesis of the spiritual, it is recognized as essential. We are materially involved beings living in a material world. Even though this is the "lowest" involvement in the process of creation, it is the footstool of the "Supreme Transcendent Absolute." This means that our journey toward spiritual fulfillment is grounded in our experiences within this physical reality, despite its limitations and transience. Our physical body is the tabernacle which houses the Atman, the divine spark localized in our being.How does the human individual fit into the larger cosmic scheme?The human individual is a relatively late arrival in the process of creation, preceded by other forms of life, and indeed the physical world itself. We are the end product of the evolution of matter into life, and then of that life into human...

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