The Quiz of Inner Liberation

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek Hindu Concept of MokshaThe basic idea behind this quiz takes its inspiration from the concept of Moksha, a word of Sanskrit origin, not translatable into English, which describes a spiritual phenomenon that is as important as it is distant from Western culture. Moksha literally means “liberation”. In the complex and varied Hindu religious tradition, this notion indicates a form of liberation that is not physical, but rather inner and therefore spiritual. In the Hindu view, souls are literally stuck within Samsara, or the endless cycle of reincarnations. The body thus ends up becoming a prison, although the vast majority of humanity has no awareness of this.Spiritual Liberation Is Not for EveryoneThe problem of liberating the soul from the constraints and illusions of the material world only concerns a minority of people, while all others fit perfectly within the world-system, which is sometimes also called “matrix” in honor of the movie released in theaters in 1999 (original title: The Matrix).In essence, some possess the so-called divine spark, while others do not. Those who retain the spark within themselves will, sooner or later, have to come to terms with the demands of the soul, even though, life after life, their rational mind will do anything to silence the call of the universe. If you find yourself on this website/app, and feel a genuine desire to deepen into this topic, chances are that you are among those who possess the divine spark.PURPOSE OF THE QUIZSymbolically retracing the path of the soul who arrives on planet Earth for the first time, without a user’s manual or defined memories of its wider existence; and who, nevertheless, finally manages to awaken with the goal of returning to its true spiritual home.Identify the 14 stages of consciousness evolution and select them in the correct order.Questo test in italiano:

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