The Spiritual Awakening Test: Insights Into the Questions and Answers
The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek
Categories: opposite of attachment, that is, the ability to psychologically detach oneself from everything that is worldly: objects, money, work, affections. Yes, even interpersonal relationships are part of this sphere: the soul seeks the absolute, while most earthly relationships based on kinship and mutual need are entirely transitory. Beware: when talking about attachment to objects, it should be understood that the issue is not the object itself (whatever it is), but the inner perception, whether conscious or unconscious, that we cannot live without it.1. Regarding your family, have you ever perceived yourself as a black sheep?Awakening is an individual path, not a collective one. There is no such thing as an entire awakened family. Moreover, spiritual evolution comes from doubt, suffering and disillusionment. Always getting along, being united and never experiencing contrasts and disagreements slows down or completely blocks the process of inner transformation. This concept may seem twisted at first glance, but one only has to think about it for a moment to realize that it holds some truth. When is it that a person is spurred to do his or her best? When life smiles at them, or when they go through a difficult time and try to overcome it?Additionally, the illusion of being able to live one’s earthly experience carefree, lightheartedly and letting things roll off one’s back, unfortunately does not lead very far. After all, the majority already live this way, don’t you think? So, why are you here reading this article? Just live, go with the flow, don’t ask yourself complicated questions, and everything will be fine. Clearly, you don’t perceive what has just been stated as true, otherwise you wouldn’t waste your time reading such articles.2. If you had more money and goods than your current state, your life would be:This seemingly obvious question is actually not at all. Money, in symbolic terms, represents our energy. Since the outer world is a reflection of the inner world, those who wish to possess more money lack inner energy. On the other hand, those who remain indifferent to the amount of money possessed, manifest greater inner, and therefore spiritual, balance. The matter can also be seen in another way: the stronger your attachment to money, the more energy you are giving away to the world, taking it away from your soul and consciousness.3. Staying with the concept of freedom, what makes you feel free?Those who seek freedom in external things, that is, in doing and having, have not yet made the consciousness leap that enables them to understand how the external world is nothing but a reflection of the inner world. For example, those who become morbidly attached to objects, no longer being able to do without them (the car is a perfect example), demonstrate that they possess an inner emptiness that demands attention. The soul clamors for consideration, while the mind, which prefers certainties over doubts, diverts attention outward, thereby contributing to increasing the inner extent of the discomfort and consequently the intensity of the outer addiction as well (in our case, the attachment to the car).4. How do you stand in relation to the most popular and socially accepted habits, traditions, and ways of life?Established traditions and habits, no matter how interesting and instructive they may be, represent a form of