The Spiritual Seek: Unique Articles and Personality Quizzes

The Spiritual Seek - A podcast by The Spiritual Seek AWARENESS TESTThe concept of awareness is difficult to describe in purely rational terms, since its essence pervades various dimensions, from the instinctual-sensory to the soul-spiritual. Trying to generalize, we could define awareness as the breadth of the gaze each of us uses in analyzing and understanding things.Imagine an ant’s view of the world, limited to the ground adjacent to it and completely unaware of what goes on above. Now identify with a hawk flying high in the sky, imagine the breadth of its gaze beneath. How many things does the hawk see that the ant cannot? Now, translating that perspective to our perceiving in its broader meaning and not just in visual terms, we could say that the person gifted with a hawk’s gaze possesses a broader awareness than the one who observes the world from the ant’s perspective.SPIRITUAL AWAKENING TESTAwareness and Awakening walk hand in hand, so we could not miss an assessment dedicated to this phenomenon of psycho-spiritual nature. What, then, is meant by Awakening? It is a manifestation of consciousness, the origin of which lies in the need of our soul-spiritual component to transcend the purely egoic and material level of earthly experience. In order to understand this, we must first accept the fact that we are spiritual beings embodied in a physical entity, which inevitably ends up becoming a prison. Our ethereal component is in fact immortal, and as such conceives neither birth nor death. The process of Awakening begins at the moment when the mind, with its ego, gives way to this multidimensional part of us.GREAT PERSONALITY TESTHuman personality has a myriad of facets, some of which are quite difficult to measure through a standard questionnaire with quantitative answers (e.g., little – enough – much). For this reason we decided to create a more sophisticated instrument, namely a test consisting of as many as 65 questions, each of which offers 5 reasoned responses. In this way the user will be stimulated to meticulously examine the various options instead of opting for an instinctive and mechanical choice. Our unique personality questionnaire takes its inspiration from both the Big Five model and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It retrieves the core idea of 16 character types from the MBTI, but reworks it in a modern way, thus offering an engaging experience to younger people as well.EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TESTIn today’s world, there is a clear focus on the scientific and technological approach, which is based on rationality and logical thinking. This results in a lack of consideration for the humanistic and philosophical aspects of existence, where emotions and thoughts are of the utmost importance. Modern society displays a dichotomy in its approach to emotional expression. On the one hand, individuals who are less empathetic and thus more resolute in pursuing their objectives are encouraged and rewarded. Conversely, consumers are prompted to purchase products and objects by leveraging their most basic drives and emotions. Identifying this dichotomy is an indicator of emotional intelligence (EI), but it is not enough.LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE TESTIntelligence is characterized by many components, and we certainly do not claim to be able to measure it in an all-encompassing way, nevertheless this test allows us to evaluate a particular aspect of human intellect, precisely the logical-rational one (IQ – intelligence quotient). Society tends to place a rather high value on this skill, so it is good to take it into account and practice it.Our logical intelligence test presents 35 questions, some seemingly simple and others more elaborate, with the aim of providing the most accurate assessment possible of the person taking it. Be warned not to...

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