29: The power of low-stakes productivity, when horoscopes go wrong and what’s happened to my eyebrows?
The Wingwoman - A podcast by Charlie and Frankie

This week, Charlie’s horoscope has got her questioning her emotional state, while Frankie is coming to terms with the reality that her eyebrows have done a runner. We discuss the comparison culture of pandemic productivity and why celebrating small wins could be the answer we’ve been looking for.
Plus, we share the articles and TV shows on our radars this week – all over a bottle of Tesco Finest Chianti for Charlie and Oatly Chocolate Drink for Frank.
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Links from the episode
The Power of Low-Stakes productivity - Leah Fessner, New York Times
Lockdown Revolutionised The ‘Respect Your Elders’ Dynamic With My Parents – Yomi Adegoke, Vogue.co.uk